2021 SUMMER FUN SWIM CAMP- Register Today Register today for our new Summer Fun Swim Camp! The camp is open to ages 6 thru 12 years old with or without swimming experience.
Sit Stand Workstations at Roosevelt A Roosevelt student chooses to complete his classwork standing up. Adjustable student desks offer our scholars alternatives to traditional learning.
1:1 Chromebooks are now in student hands! Roosevelt students are ready for school, Chromebooks in hand, just days after the roll-out of our school-wide 1:1 Chromebook Initiative. Shout-out to Dr. Wagner and her team for delivering on our 1:1 promise!
PBIS Student of the Month PBIS Student of the Month is recognized for his outstanding B.E.A.R.S. behavior!Be Proud, Effort in Everything, A+ Positive Attitude, Respect & Responsibility, Self-Control
Roosevelt Bears Honored at Assemblies Roosevelt students are recognized at the Student of the Month Assemblies for their achievements in English Language Arts, Math, Science and PBIS Citizenship.
Roosevelt PTA World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Begins! To participate in this fundraiser please complete a parent consent form and return to the Roosevelt front office. Thank you for your continued support of our Roosevelt PTA! #BrilliantBears #ParentalInvolvement